User reports

The NANO X – A Robust & Comfortable Active Wheelchair for Everyday Life and Travel

I have been using the NANO X for almost two years now. Since it is my first active wheelchair, I can’t make any direct comparisons, but I can confidently say that I have no suggestions for improvement! At home, I use a basic hospital wheelchair, and every time I go outside, I genuinely look forward to using the NANO X because the difference is like night and day. Even though the NANO X is a folding wheelchair, it is incredibly easy to propel, and when I once tried a rigid frame wheelchair, I couldn’t feel a difference.

To sum it up, the NANO X is unbelievably robust! It has been in the cargo hold of an airplane multiple times and has tackled some extremely rough terrains – from the Grand Canyon and Death Valley to Bryce Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, and various other gravel paths. It certainly doesn’t get an easy ride, and while it may not look brand new anymore, it still works just as perfectly as it did on day one.

To the NANO X

Enjoy the outdoors with the iCHAIR MC2

Livia lives with SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) and has needed a wheelchair since she was a child. She has been using her iCHAIR MC2 for about six months. Because she needs to change her sitting position from time to time, it is necessary to make minor adjustments to the seat system. The iCHAIR MC2 is the perfect choice for her, as it is highly flexible.

Livia uses the electrical tilt-in-space several times a day for regular pressure relief. The wide adjustment range of the electrical backrest angle adjustment makes it possible for her to independently get into a relaxed position as soon as she is tired.

Livia is delighted that she can travel at 10 km/h in her wheelchair. This means that she can really get her husband to build up a sweat when they go out together. “I love outings in the Harz Mountains, where I can wander in woods, enjoy nature and rejuvenate in the woodland air", Livia says.

To the iCHAIR MC2

My passion: Wheelchair basketball

Kai was born with spina bifida. He has been using a wheelchair for about ten years. Before that, he walked with leg braces. However, due to his size, this became more and more difficult. Switching to a wheelchair was a great relief to him.

Kai has been living with his girlfriend for two years. She supports him completely in his passion for wheelchair basketball. Kai has other goals in mind for the future, for his sporting activities and his family.

Kai says he has only had good experiences with the Hurricane range. The new Hurricane S is Hurricane “number three” for him.

“The ‘S’ tops its predecessor in terms of handling and weight,” says Kai. Kai has often used his wheelchair in extreme situations, which, thanks to its sturdy frame, was no problem at all.

To the Hurricane S

Travel the world with the Hurricane Everyday

Marco Hopp, ex-German champion and European Cup winner in wheelchair basketball, has been using his Hurricane Everyday for two years.

According to Marco, after two years of heavy use there is not a squeak or a creak, and the wheels don't wobble, even a millimetre. This is due to the fully welded frame construction, which is made of a lightweight, high-grade aluminium alloy. An additional special heat process gives the frame extra stability.

All of the features that make the MEYRA Hurricane legendary for basketball players have been developed for daily use of the Hurricane Everyday. A perfect fit for its driver, the solidly welded fixed-frame wheelchair is specially designed to be strong, agile and stable. Marco Hopp drives quite fast on the paths around the Heidelberg Castle ruins, which consist of smooth paving as well as fine gravel. He remarks: “The chair runs very easily and is very precise. It reacts perfectly to everything I do, and I can take on a little extra weight without any problems, thanks to the solid weight distribution system.”

“The chair is very forgiving, even if you don't treat it that well,” says Marco Hopp. “When the chair is transported in the hold of a plane, I can rest assured that nothing will get broken.” As the Hurricane Everyday has hardly any parts that wear out, you could travel the world with it.

To the Hurricane Everyday

My HURRICANE – as unique and unmistakeable as I am!

I think it is great that the HURRICANE by MEYRA is so individual and can be adjusted to fit me perfectly. Thanks to the fixed frame I can rest assured that nothing will get broken, because it really is very sturdy. The HURRICANE reacts to my every movement, which is why I love it.

My HURRICANE is unique and unmistakeable. Which is perfect for the way I live my life.

To the Hurricane Everyday

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